Sunday, August 31, 2008

McCain's wife, Cindy, joined the ranks of the defenders.

Noticed in the news today Aug. 31, 2008
Regarding Gov. Palin as a VP pick -

McCain's wife, Cindy, joined the ranks of the defenders.
"The experience that she comes from is with what she's done in the government. And also, remember: Alaska is the closest part of our continent to Russia. So, it's not as if she doesn't understand what's at stake here," she said on ABC's "This Week."

From Yahoo! News - Click here for full article. Click here for Video.

I'll come back to this quote later in the entry. Because there are plenty more lovely quotes in this article from other politicians quoting Obama still has less experience than Palin, while defending McCains choice. One thing I do notice is how the McCain campaign and the republican party have spent more time defending their VP choice than actually talking about issues and why he should be president.

I'm still trying to decide if this is part of the strategy or just a poor miscalculation to try and steal Hillary supporters from the democratic party. What I do know is the difference in public reaction from the nomination of Joe Biden compared to Sarah Palin. There were few questions or doubts when Joe Biden was named by the Obama campaign. Most of the reactions from the media and the parties were positive and understanding.

Yet, when Palin was named a collective reaction of [think Scooby-Do], "HUH?" Played in everyone's minds. C'mon, don't lie... you know you heard it. As did I when I watched it on CNN, then turned to FOX. Still not believing what I heard, went to MSNBC. Then I said to myself, "Wow, McCain is really doing this... he's that desperate."

So desperate that he would actually ignore his own criticism of Obama's inexperience by finding a VP with equal (if not less) experience than his opponent. Basically undermining his message that experience is necessary for the position of Commander in Chief. The main message they have been trying to push during this whole campaign. Now the party will have to spend their time defending the choice of McCain, along with trying to defend this incredibly dense statement by Cindy McCain... a lovely woman... but still...
"The experience that she comes from is with what she's done in the government. And also, remember: Alaska is the closest part of our continent to Russia. So, it's not as if she doesn't understand what's at stake here,"

Is this what the Republican party plans to do in defense of their VP choice? Is this how the McCain campaign going to spend their time? Comparing geographical distances in defense of foreign political experience and cultural awareness? Did they forget that Russia is one LARGE country?!?! The Russia near Alaska is like the penis tip of the body... you are no where near its head/brain (no pun intended) to influence its actions. Except to blow a load all over your face.

To continue this argument, since geographic distance to Russia is what gives Palin the experience to handle Russia. The inverse must be true that the farther countries are from her the less she understands what is going on with that country. That's great, because at least she knows how to handle Canada, N/S Korea, and the Arctic region. The problem is she gets blurry the moment it comes down to Japan, China, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden. Then she is basically clueless when it comes to Europe, South Pacific, Mexico/Central America, South America... last but not least... poor Australia, Antarctica, and New Zealand, Gov. Palin just won't have a clue what you are about according to Mrs. McCain.

Do you see the dumb logic Mrs. McCain had to pull out of her butt to try and defend Gov. Palin?!?! Too bad it doesn't make sense.

According to Cindy McCain, "The Governator" of California knows all about the Mexican government and has close ties with them because they share a border. Is that the reason why we have such a porous border? Why ethnocentric groups are having such a field day with immigration policies?

If Cindy McCain is correct, then we probably should be concerned that Palin lives so close to Russia. She is within their "sphere of influence" and I wonder if they care about Russian illegal immigration in Alaska or if she just lets them live and settle as they wish within the state.


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