Friday, April 11, 2008

There is a hole in Belize waiting for me.

I am obsessed with this gaping hole in Belize, just waiting for me to go in it. It's just there waiting for me to dive into it's wetness.

What hole am I talking about?

What's her name you ask?

Well, her name is "The Blue Hole."

Why? What were you thinking of sewer rat? Get your mind out of the gutter and into the ocean. This seems like a beautiful and scary dive destination. I'm no dive master, but I am a sucker for thrills. Slowly descending down a dark hole in the middle of the ocean is a scary thought. Especially when you have to be really good at buoyance control during this dive. If you don't, then you will either sink into oblivion or over compensate and inflate your vest to get back to the surface. A big mistake!

Because if you panic and rise to quickly and with out decompressing... well, you might as well sink into oblivion, because that can also kill you. If you are not a diver, just look up "The bends" and "Nitrogen Poisoning."

These are the things that make diving one of the most dangerous sports/hobbies in existance. Yet, I love it.

Here it is on google maps:

View Larger Map

A close up view:

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