Thursday, September 4, 2008

I need to promote myself to...

I can't believe I am so sore from working yesterday. My knee is really bothering me too.

I will start shooting and producing my own short films... I refuse to be a Production Assistant for the rest of my life. LoL.

Anyways, I made up my mind today that if I am going to do FREE gigs I will only do it as a Producer, Director, DP/Camera Operator, and Assistant Director.... even Assistant Camera. All to build my portfolio.... but I also realize its because I am good at doing these positions. Don't get me wrong, I'm good at being a production assistant(PA's)... but that's only because as a director I know what I want/expect from my own PA's.

I've made up my mind. I'm stepping up my game.

*cue dramatic music*

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